Preventive advocacy promotes good legal health.

Preventive advocacy consists of anticipating a situation that has not yet arisen, collecting information, and planning with a professional to avoid unwanted situations or to minimize the consequences of a conflict, having planned its resolution in case it should arise. It is about having a preventive and proactive approach aimed at avoiding future conflicts.

In a commercial realm, this prevention is evident, but in the family environment it is also very important and can bring great benefits, saving time and money and especially a reduction of emotional and psychological fatigue.

In our firm, we can offer you this preventive advice through the elaboration of different family protocols:

  • wills
  • preventive power of attorneys
  • advance directive / living wills
  • marriage contracts
  • prenuptial contracts
  • agreements in anticipation of rupture
  • election of economical marriage regimen

Remember, everything that is not previously agreed and in writing, will generate discussion.