The firm

Established in Garrucha (Almería) I May 2001, this firm has achieved a well-deserved reputation, basing its work on traditional values, such excellence, dedication and pampering to the client, empathy, specialization, and a cared post follow up of the issue, especially when it has been about modified family relations.

We act both judicially and extrajudicially and pretend to be a one-stop shop for all your legal issues, a problem solver lawyer firm.

More than half of the matters that we are contracted for have an international element so, over the years, it has become essential for us to acquire knowledge about foreign and especially European legislation. We speak Spanish and English, and all our written communications with foreign clients are also in English.

Our target is to offer high quality legal advice and attention, so one of our priority is continuous training and multidisciplinary collaboration with other firms and colleagues specialized in matters in which this firm is not, as well as with professionals from other areas, that is, social workers, psychologists, therapists, mediators or doctors. Only in this way we can provide excellent quality legal help and support to our clients in their different processes. For this, we have a network of collaborators both in Spain and in Europe, the United Kingdom and Latin America.

For more than 20 years, the firm has been dedicated almost exclusively to FAMILY LAW and everything concerning to it, such as inheritance rights, adoption and foster care, grandparents' rights, acknowledgments of paternity, premarital agreements, regulation of custody, contacts and maintenance after the breakdown of non-marital unions and separations, divorces and annulments of marital unions, advocating for friendly solutions, from a level of equality of the couple and always in defense of children.

Whenever possible, before the initiation of a judicial process, we apply alternative conflict resolution techniques (ADR) such as mediation, negotiation or collaborative practice, because we do not want to win cases but to resolve conflicts.

We speak Spanish and English, with all our written communications with foreign clients in English.

We handle new technologies comfortably, and are happy to be available to our clients by different means other than face-to-face. We hold meetings via Moodle, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp video and other platforms, in addition to answering simple queries by email, thus avoiding unnecessary travel while maintaining personalized attention.