This firm offers special services for foreign citizens non-resident in Spain , either owners of property in Spain or not yet, such as:
Conveyancing services
Power of attorney
Fiscal representation services, mandatory in Spain when you are the owner of a property.
Non-resident taxes, including capital gains, wealth tax or income from renting or selling your property, advising you about the double taxation agreements.
Drawing up of wills or probate procedure.
The services we offer in any legal area are executed according to the Spanish Legal Profession Deontological Rules and the professional fees applied shall be according to the Guidelines laid down by the Colegio de Abogados de Murcia (Society Law), and we always issue a professional assignment sheet, detailing the actions to be taken by our office, the professional fees that will be accrued and other settings. This document must be signed by the client to guarantee the transparency and security of the client-professional relationship.
Our legal services are so personal and exclusive, that you can also feel free to leave a copy of your keys with us. We will be happy to look after your property and supervise supplies and any utility worker that might need access to your property.
We are completely sure you will not regret contracting us.